Beauregard Lookout Tower
US 842, AL 21

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 842, AL 21 (view other lookouts in United States, Alabama)
Date Registered December 2, 2009
Nominated by Thomas Kaufmann
Location Lee County, Alabama
Coordinates N 32° 32.283' W 085° 22.283' (view using Google Maps)
N 32° 32' 17" W 085° 22' 17"
N 32.538050° W 085.371380°
Elevation 705 ft (215 m)
Built 1948
Administered by Alabama Forestry Commission
Cooperators Alabama Forestry Commission


This 100' Aermotor MC-39 steel tower with 7'x7' steel cab was erected in 1948 by Alabama Forestry Commission personnel as one of two constructed for fire protection measures for Lee County. A second tower, Salem Lookout Tower, was built the following year in 1949 but has since been dismantled, making this tower the only surviving historic firetower in Lee County.