Bunker Fire Lookout Tower
US 758, AL 5

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 758, AL 5 (view other lookouts in United States, Alabama)
Date Registered January 15, 2009
Nominated by Thomas Kaufmann
Location Cheaha State Park
Cleburne County, Alabama
Coordinates N 33° 29.133' W 085° 48.550' (view using Google Maps)
N 33° 29' 08" W 085° 48' 33"
N 33.485556° W 085.809167°
Elevation 2,379 ft (725 m)
Built 1934
Administered by Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Cooperators Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources


Located on the highest point in Alabama in Cheaha State Park, Bunker Fire Tower was constructed by the CCC in 1934-35 atop the park lodge using a design provided by the National Park Service. It has a 10’x10’ cab on top of a 40’ native stone shaft.


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