Piney Hill Lookout
US 439, AZ 35

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 439, AZ 35 (view other lookouts in United States, Arizona)
Date Registered July 20, 2002
Nominated by Dave Lorenz, AZ/NM Registrar
Location Navajo Indian Reservation
Apache County, Arizona
Coordinates N 35° 45.684' W 109° 10.056' (view using Google Maps)
N 35° 45' 41" W 109° 10' 03"
N 35.761400° W 109.167600°
Elevation 8,113 ft (2,473 m)
Administered by Navajo Indian Reservation
Cooperators Bureau of Indian Affairs


One of the early towers on the Navajo reservation, Piney Hill Lookout is still active. The 81’ Aermotor MC-39 tower with 7’x7’ metal cab was constructed in the early 1930’s on an 8102’ mountaintop.


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