Red Mountain Lookout (San Bernadino NF)
US 290, CA 23
June 2018 photo

June 2018 photo - courtesy of Michael Guerin

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 290, CA 23 (view other lookouts in United States, California)
Date Registered January 6, 1999
Nominated by San Jacinto Ranger District
Location San Bernardino National Forest
Riverside County, California
Coordinates N 33° 37.808' W 116° 50.869' (view using Google Maps)
N 33° 37' 49" W 116° 50' 52"
N 33.630140° W 116.847815°
Elevation 4,536 ft (1,383 m)
Built 1936
Administered by U.S. Forest Service
Cooperators Southern California Mountains Foundation and the San Jacinto Ranger District


Completed in 1936, Red Mountain Lookout is also the oldest lookout on the San Jacinto Ranger District. The cabin is a 1934 standard 14’ x 14’ California Region 5 Plan BC-301 series wooden cab with catwalk atop a 20 foot steel H-brace tower with steel I-beam corner posts.

Now rehabilitated, it returned to service with volunteer Lookout Hosts in October 1998.