Schoolhouse Peak Lookout
US 1318, CA 141
Schoolhouse Peak Lookout

Schoolhouse Peak Lookout - courtesy of Ron Kemnow

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 1318, CA 141 (view other lookouts in United States, California)
Date Registered October 19, 2019
Nominated by Brad Eells
Location Redwood National and State Parks
Humboldt County, California
Coordinates N 41° 09.086' W 123° 52.980' (view using Google Maps)
N 41° 09' 05" W 123° 52' 59"
N 41.151428° W 123.882997°
Elevation 3,097 ft (944 m)
Built 1940/1976
Administered by California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection - Humboldt-Del Norte Unit (Cal Fire HHU)


The L-601 tower was erected by the CCCs in 1940. The original BC-301 cab was replaced by CDF with a 732-6A design. The remodel working plan number is 962-2A. This and other modifications have seriously diminished the structure's historic integrity.

The lookout is now an interpretive site for national park visitors.