Ukonom Mountain Lookout
US 1359, CA 182
Ukonom Mountain Lookout - 2009

Ukonom Mountain Lookout - 2009 - courtesy of Ron Kemnow

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 1359, CA 182 (view other lookouts in United States, California)
Date Registered October 27, 2019
Nominated by Brad Eells
Location Klamath National Forest
Siskiyou County, California
Coordinates N 41° 35.041' W 123° 28.560' (view using Google Maps)
N 41° 35' 02" W 123° 28' 34"
N 41.584021° W 123.475993°
Elevation 4,535 ft (1,382 m)
Built 1978
Administered by US Forest Service - Klamath National Forest
Cooperators Six Rivers National Forest


The current Ukonom Mountain Lookout is a revision of the CL-100 cabin design on a 14 foot block tower. The structure was completed in 1978 and replaced an earlier L-4 style cab on an enclosed timber tower. The cab from the Lower Devils lookout was transported to this site and installed on a new base.

The earlier lookout was constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps and was completed in 1934.

While the lookout is located on the Klamath National Forest it is actively staffed and managed by the Six Rivers National Forest.



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2008 - courtesy of Fred Johnson

Photo courtesy of Fred Johnson

L-4 type cabin on top of an enclosed timber tower - 1975

L-4 type cabin on top of an enclosed timber tower - 1975 - courtesy of Nancy Hood Collection