Bald Mountain Lookout (Sawtooth National Forest)
US 1432, ID 124
Bald Mountain Lookout - 2018

Bald Mountain Lookout - 2018 - courtesy of Derek Perkoski

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 1432, ID 124 (view other lookouts in United States, Idaho)
Date Registered September 28, 2020
Nominated by Brad Eells
Location Sawtooth National Forest
Blaine County, Idaho
Coordinates N 43° 39.291' W 114° 24.561' (view using Google Maps)
N 43° 39' 17" W 114° 24' 34"
N 43.654854° W 114.409355°
Elevation 9,160 ft (2,792 m)
Built 1958
Administered by US Forest Service - Sawtooth National Forest


Bald Mountain has hosted a lookout structure since 1921. The second structure was an L-4 cabin on a stone base built in 1937. The current building was constructed in 1958.

Staffing was discontinued in the mid-1990's