Lookout Butte Lookout
US 769, ID 59

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 769, ID 59 (view other lookouts in United States, Idaho)
Date Registered April 6, 2009
Nominated by Gary Weber
Location Nez Perce National Forest
Idaho County, Idaho
Coordinates N 46° 02.750' W 115° 39.583' (view using Google Maps)
N 46° 02' 45" W 115° 39' 35"
N 46.045830° W 115.659720°
Elevation 5,869 ft (1,789 m)
Built 1962
Administered by U.S. Forest Service
Cooperators Moose Creek Ranger District
Available for Rental Yes, learn more


A 45’ pole tower served as the first Lookout Butte Lookout on the Nez Perce National Forest in 1923 with a cab added in 1925. A 50’ pole tower with L-4 cab was built in 1935 and replaced with the current 15’x15’ R-6 fl at top cab with catwalk on a 55’ timber tower in 1962. It is now available in the rental program.