McConnell Lookout
US 137, ID 9

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 137, ID 9 (view other lookouts in United States, Idaho)
Date Registered November 24, 1995
Nominated by Margaret J. Gorski, Powell District Ranger
Location Clearwater National Forest
Idaho County, Idaho
Coordinates N 46° 21.508' W 114° 54.950' (view using Google Maps)
N 46° 21' 30" W 114° 54' 57"
N 46.358460° W 114.915837°
Elevation 7,372 ft (2,247 m)
Built 1935
Administered by U.S. Forest Service
Cooperators Powell Ranger District


McConnell Lookout is also located in the Selway-Bitteroot Wilderness -- Clearwater National Forest -- and consists of two log structures. The spot was used as a lookout site in 1918 and the one-room 14’x 14’ cabin living quarters was built in a meadow 450 yards northwest of the summit. In 1935 a 6’ x 6’ log cupola was constructed atop McConnell Mountain.