High Rock Tower
US 698, MD 5
February 2017 photo

February 2017 photo - courtesy of Jack Kelley

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 698, MD 5 (view other lookouts in United States, Maryland)
Date Registered June 17, 2007
Nominated by Steven W. Koehn, State Forester, Maryland DNR Forest Service
Location Garrett County, Maryland
Coordinates N 39° 32.630' W 079° 05.810' (view using Google Maps)
N 39° 32' 38" W 079° 05' 49"
N 39.543830° W 079.096830°
Elevation 2,991 ft (912 m)
Built 1934
Administered by Maryland DNR Forest Service
Cooperators Maryland DNR Forest Service


The High Rock Lookout on the Savage River State Forest in Maryland is 90’ steel tower with 7’x7’ metal cab. Constructed in 1934 it has been recently repainted and is used as a communications and emergency detection site.

To volunteer and schedule staffing times, contact: highrocklookout@hotmail.com.