Welcome Forestry Tower
US 1031, MD 6
Rebecca Wathen photo

Rebecca Wathen photo

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 1031, MD 6 (view other lookouts in United States, Maryland)
Date Registered September 3, 2014
Nominated by Rebecca Wathen
Location Welcome Forestry Tower
Charles County, Maryland
Coordinates N 38° 29.472' W 077° 06.017' (view using Google Maps)
N 38° 29' 28" W 077° 06' 01"
N 38.491206° W 077.100286°
Elevation 150 ft (46 m)
Built 1934
Administered by Maryland Forest Service


This tower was erected by CCC crews from the Doncaster Camp in 1934. It is 120 feet high and has various State Police and DNR antennas mounted to its surface.


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