Skookum Butte Lookout
US 172, MT 14

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 172, MT 14 (view other lookouts in United States, Montana)
Date Registered June 5, 1996
Nominated by Gary Weber, FFLA
Location Lolo National Forest
Missoula County, Montana
Coordinates N 46° 39.841' W 114° 23.680' (view using Google Maps)
N 46° 39' 50" W 114° 23' 41"
N 46.664020° W 114.394660°
Elevation 6,772 ft (2,064 m)
Administered by U.S. Forest Service
Cooperators Missoula Ranger District


Constructed in 1928, Skookum Butte Lookout is one of only three remaining L-5 log/frame ground houses remaining in Montana and Northern Idaho. It is located on the Lolo National Forest on the state line southeast of famed Lolo Pass. The lookout has not been regularly staffed since sometime prior to 1965, but remains relatively intact. The Montana Chapter of FFLA plans to initiate restoration in 1996.