Webb Mountain Lookout
US 1511, MT 89

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 1511, MT 89 (view other lookouts in United States, Montana)
Date Registered January 9, 2021
Nominated by Kyle Stetler
Location Kootenai NF
Lincoln County, Montana
Coordinates N 48° 49.080' W 115° 20.625' (view using Google Maps)
N 48° 49' 05" W 115° 20' 38"
N 48.818006° W 115.343755°
Elevation 5,985 ft (1,824 m)
Administered by US Forest Service
Available for Rental Yes, learn more


Developed in 1930 with a 14x14' Columbia Falls "redi-cut" cab, this unique structure was replaced in 1959 with the present 10' concrete base topped with an R-6 flat cab. There was also a 35' tree platform 1/2 mile west of the lookout. The cabin is in the rental program, and was threatened by a forest fire in 1994.