Wesser Bald Lookout
US 729, NC 23

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 729, NC 23 (view other lookouts in United States, North Carolina)
Date Registered April 2, 2008
Nominated by Peter J. Barr
Location Nantahala National Forest
Macon County, North Carolina
Coordinates N 35° 16.619' W 083° 34.640' (view using Google Maps)
N 35° 16' 37" W 083° 34' 38"
N 35.276990° W 083.577330°
Elevation 4,626 ft (1,410 m)
Built 1936
Administered by U.S. Forest Service
Cooperators Nantahala Ranger District and Nantahala Hiking Club


A popular landmark on the Appalachian Trail in the Nantahala National Forest, Wesser Bald Lookout was a 14’x14’ live-in cab with catwalk on a 30’ metal tower built in 1936. Burned by vandals in 1979, and the Forest Service replaced the cab with a viewing platform in 1993.