Blue Rock Fire Tower
US 700, OH 5

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 700, OH 5 (view other lookouts in United States, Ohio)
Date Registered July 20, 2007
Nominated by Steve W. Klan Sr.
Location Blue Rock State Forest
Muskingum County, Ohio
Coordinates N 39° 50.125' W 081° 50.424' (view using Google Maps)
N 39° 50' 08" W 081° 50' 25"
N 39.835420° W 081.840400°
Elevation 1,088 ft (332 m)
Built 1937
Administered by Ohio Department of Natural Resources
Cooperators Ohio Division of Forestry & Ohio Fire Tower Restoration Project


The honor of Number 700 of the NHLR goes to Blue Rock Fire Tower on the Blue Rock State Forest. Constructed in 1937, the Aermotor tower with a 7’x7’ metal cab is the last 100’ fire tower remaining in Ohio.