Bald Butte Lookout (Fremont NF)
US 258, OR 29

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 258, OR 29 (view other lookouts in United States, Oregon)
Date Registered March 1, 1998
Nominated by Ronald R. Johnson, FFLA
Location Fremont National Forest
Lake County, Oregon
Coordinates N 42° 36.859' W 120° 47.381' (view using Google Maps)
N 42° 36' 52" W 120° 47' 23"
N 42.614310° W 120.789689°
Elevation 7,536 ft (2,297 m)
Built 1931
Administered by U.S. Forest Service
Cooperators Paisley Ranger District
Available for Rental Yes, learn more


Bald Butte is the only remaining L-4 gable roof lookout on the Fremont National Forest in Oregon. Located on a bare, treeless mountain top at 7,536’ the 14’x14’ groundhouse was constructed in 1931 and restored as a Passport In Time (PIT) project in 1993-94. In 1945 the observer found a Japanese incendiary balloon near the summit with five unexploded bombs intact. Now used only on a emergency basis, the popular lookout was placed in the cabin rental program in 1995.