Bly Ranger Station Lookout
US 482, OR 75

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 482, OR 75 (view other lookouts in United States, Oregon)
Date Registered March 31, 2003
Nominated by Howard Verschoor, Oregon Registrar
Location Fremont National Forest
Klamath County, Oregon
Coordinates N 42° 23.908' W 121° 02.602' (view using Google Maps)
N 42° 23' 54" W 121° 02' 36"
N 42.398470° W 121.043370°
Elevation 4,365 ft (1,330 m)
Built 1950
Administered by U.S. Forest Service
Cooperators Bly Ranger District


The first lookout in Bly was established by the Klamath Forest Protective Association at their Ranger Station located a short distance to the east of the Forest Service Station. This was an open platform atop the District warehouse. In 1958, a 20 foot wooden tower with a unique 7x7 flat roof cab, with catwalk, was constructed at the Bly, U.S. Forest Service, Ranger Station. This tower has been relocated to a local park.