Peavine Mountain Lookout
US 498, OR 91

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 498, OR 91 (view other lookouts in United States, Oregon)
Date Registered March 31, 2003
Nominated by Howard Verschoor, Oregon Registrar
Location Josephine County, Oregon
Coordinates N 42° 35.676' W 123° 39.445' (view using Google Maps)
N 42° 35' 41" W 123° 39' 27"
N 42.594600° W 123.657420°
Elevation 3,756 ft (1,145 m)
Built 1961
Removed November 20, 2006
Former Fire Lookout Sites Register US 889, OR 256
Administered by Oregon Department of Forestry
Cooperators Oregon Department of Forestry


The state lookout at Peavine Mountain in southern Oregon came to life as a rag camp in 1920, serving until an L-4 on a 40’ pole tower was constructed in 1933. In 1961 the present 14’x14’ flattop cab on a 41’ treated timber tower was built. This tower was condemned and burned to the ground on November 20, 2006.