Millington Lookout Tower
US 1763, TN 67

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 1763, TN 67 (view other lookouts in United States, Tennessee)
Date Registered August 10, 2023
Nominated by Jason Johns
Location Shelby County, Tennessee
Coordinates N 35° 20.104' W 089° 55.233' (view using Google Maps)
N 35° 20' 06" W 089° 55' 14"
N 35.335070° W 089.920550°
Elevation 251 ft (77 m)
Administered by Baseball USA Stadium


This tower was previously located near Fordyce, Arkansas and was relocated to Millington sometime in the late 80's.  

The tower is a 100ft Aermotor MC-39.

Site Visit - 1/2/23