Whitmore Mountain Lookout
US 1565, WA 92
Whitmore Mountain Lookout - 2017

Whitmore Mountain Lookout - 2017 - courtesy of Christine Estrada

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 1565, WA 92 (view other lookouts in United States, Washington)
Date Registered April 13, 2022
Nominated by Christine Estrada
Location Colville Indian Reservation
Okanogan County, Washington
Coordinates N 48° 10.699' W 119° 14.987' (view using Google Maps)
N 48° 10' 42" W 119° 14' 59"
N 48.178318° W 119.249782°
Elevation 3,938 ft (1,200 m)
Built Circa 1960's
Administered by Colville Indian Reservation


The Whitmore L-4 cab was built in 1934 1/4 mile northeast of the current steel lookout. In 1935, it was accompanied by a 3-legged 60′ wood tower with 7’x7′ cab. Both structures were built by the Civilian Conservation Corps for a reported $1,046. The L-4 cab still remains on site, though in very poor condition. 

It was reported in 1960 that 60° of the surrounding area was not visible from the lookout due to its location and elevation and that the 3-legged wood tower was deteriorating and unsafe. Sometime in the following years, permission was granted from a private land owner to build a 53′ all-steel live-in tower. The lookout still exists today and is staffed every summer.

The lookout is locked but you can climb the stairs to a viewing platform just below the cab. Enjoy big views of the Coulee area, Omak Lake, and North Cascades. This is a seldom visited area of Washington that is unique and beautiful!

On August 3, 2021, lightning started the Whitmore fire, which eventually burned over much of the Whitmore Mountain area. Firefighters dug a hand line around the historic L-4 lookout and also wrapped it for protection. Both Whitmore lookouts survived.


Change Basemap


L-4 Ground cabin - 2017

L-4 Ground cabin - 2017 - courtesy of Christine Estrada

L-4 ground cabin - 1960

L-4 ground cabin - 1960 - courtesy of the National Archive

Three leg tower - 1938

Three leg tower - 1938 - courtesy of the US Forest Service