South Bluff Lookout
US 1400, WI 57
March 2019 photo

March 2019 photo - courtesy of Jacob Hufnagle

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 1400, WI 57 (view other lookouts in United States, Wisconsin)
Date Registered March 24, 2020
Nominated by Jacob Hufnagle
Location Wood County Forest
Wood County, Wisconsin
Coordinates N 44° 16.486' W 090° 13.039' (view using Google Maps)
N 44° 16' 29" W 090° 13' 02"
N 44.274770° W 090.217313°
Elevation 1,150 ft (351 m)
Built 1933
Administered by Wood County


This tower was built in 1933 by the Wisconsin Department of Conservation to replace an earlier tower built at a lower, more accessible, site nearby.