Mount Sheridan Lookout
US 577, WY 11

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 577, WY 11 (view other lookouts in United States, Wyoming)
Date Registered June 1, 2004
Nominated by James Muhn
Location Yellowstone National Park
Park County, Wyoming
Coordinates N 44° 15.974' W 110° 31.768' (view using Google Maps)
N 44° 15' 58" W 110° 31' 46"
N 44.266230° W 110.529470°
Elevation 10,215 ft (3,114 m)
Built 1931
Administered by National Park Service
Cooperators National Park Service


Constructed in 1931. This lookout is a one story 16'x16' building on a concrete foundation. The base is of uncoursed rubble masonry. The upper portion is of frame construction with a hip roof. Typical of lookouts built on peaks in Yellowstone during the 1930s.


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