Black Rock Lookout
US 1574, AZ 78
Black Rock Lookout - 2021

Black Rock Lookout - 2021 - courtesy of Wade Luther

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 1574, AZ 78 (view other lookouts in United States, Arizona)
Date Registered May 15, 2022
Nominated by Wade Luther
Location Arizona Strip District - Bureau of Land Management
Mojave County, Arizona
Coordinates N 36° 47.569' W 113° 45.118' (view using Google Maps)
N 36° 47' 34" W 113° 45' 07"
N 36.792819° W 113.751968°
Elevation 7,375 ft (2,248 m)
Built 1981
Administered by Department of the Interior - Bureau of Land Management


A unique 2 story BLM lookout design located in Mojave County, Arizona and operated by the Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Strip District Office.



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Black Rock Lookout - 2021

Black Rock Lookout - 2021 - courtesy of Wade Luther