Granite Mountain Lookout
US 536, ID 35

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 536, ID 35 (view other lookouts in United States, Idaho)
Date Registered September 18, 2003
Nominated by Patty Bates, District Ranger
Location Salmon National Forest
Lemhi County, Idaho
Coordinates N 45° 33.010' W 113° 58.870' (view using Google Maps)
N 45° 33' 01" W 113° 58' 52"
N 45.550170° W 113.981170°
Elevation 6,280 ft (1,914 m)
Administered by U.S. Forest Service
Cooperators North Fork Ranger District, Salmon-Challis National Forest Heritage, and North Fork Volunteer Fire Department


The classic L-4 live-in lookout at Granite Mountain on the Salmon National Forest was constructed by the Forest Service in 1934. Active for 30 years, it went on standby status in 1960s. It was completely and carefully restored in 2002 by the North Fork Ranger District with assistance of North Fork Volunteer Fire Dept., Passport In Time, and the Forest Heritage staff.