Iron Mountain Lookout
US 493, OR 86

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 493, OR 86 (view other lookouts in United States, Oregon)
Date Registered March 31, 2003
Nominated by Howard Verschoor, Oregon Registrar
Location Willamette National Forest
Linn County, Oregon
Coordinates N 44° 24.059' W 122° 08.946' (view using Google Maps)
N 44° 24' 04" W 122° 08' 57"
N 44.400980° W 122.149100°
Elevation 5,337 ft (1,627 m)
Built 1976
Administered by U.S. Forest Service
Cooperators Sweet Home Ranger District


Perched on a rock pinnacle above Highway 20 on the Willamette National Forest, Iron Mountain Lookout is a popular hiking and wildflower destination. A fire finder was placed on the site in 1929, followed by an L-4 ground house in 1933. The current R-6 flattop with catwalk was moved there in 1976. This lookout was destroyed in 2007.

The lookout has been knocked down. Due to vandalism problems, they decided not to salvage the remaining items and to burn it in place.