Kelly Butte Lookout
US 334, OR 36

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 334, OR 36 (view other lookouts in United States, Oregon)
Date Registered March 1, 2000
Nominated by Howard Verschoor, Oregon Registrar
Location Douglas County, Oregon
Coordinates N 43° 23.641' W 123° 44.906' (view using Google Maps)
N 43° 23' 38" W 123° 44' 54"
N 43.394020° W 123.748438°
Elevation 2,493 ft (760 m)
Built 1950
Removed 2007
Former Fire Lookout Sites Register US 869, OR 236
Administered by Coos Forest Protective Association
Cooperators Coos Forest Protective Association


Kelly Butte Lookout in southwestern Oregon was built by the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company in 1950. The tall tower was constructed with 70' long logs with a L-4 cab with catwalk. In 2007 wood rot was discovered in one of the tower legs and the lookout was removed. There are no plans to reconstruct it.