Tower Mountain Lookout
US 1287, WA 67

Photo courtesy of Nicholas Muto

Lookout Details

Registry Numbers US 1287, WA 67 (view other lookouts in United States, Washington)
Date Registered October 6, 2018
Location Stevens County, Washington
Coordinates N 47° 59.396' W 118° 08.869' (view using Google Maps)
N 47° 59' 24" W 118° 08' 52"
N 47.989932° W 118.147813°
Elevation 4,011 ft (1,223 m)
Built 1975
Administered by Spokane Indian Reservation


Located in the Spokane Indian Reservation, this is 53-foot steel live-in tower was built in 1975. It is staffed every summer. It is the first tower at this site. Signs in route indicate the location as Lookout Mountain but a sign on the tower says Tower Mountain. A nearby hillside is higher and the obvious high point.